the power of Frequency

All is Sound

In Aztec mythology a conch shell was used to create the vibration to form the first wave of life. The Aborigines believe that the didgeridoo connects us to the dream time, where our ancestors reside and where we come from before we are born and where we go to when we die.

All is vibration and vibration is sound – a manifestation of the primordial force of creation, expressed in limitless ways in the vast complexity of the universe.

All the ancient cultures seemed to know with much accuracy about the real impact and use of sound and apparently, modern society just starts to grasp its relevance and the importance that it has in our lives.

Voice and Prana

A thought, a word gains energy when it is spoken out loud. Speaking or singing is inseparably connected to Prana – which is Sanskrit and means breath or life force. As air passes through our vocal folds during exhalation they come together and vibrate which produces an audible sound. Using our voice and therefore also our body´s vital energy can be a very powerful healing tool.  

The expression of sound through words is very special when we understand that words are like keys that can open doors to higher realms and doors within ourselves.

One of the hermetic principles says:”Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates.”

What our human senses perceive as matter is resonant electromagnetic fields that emit vibration. A powerful energy, that seems to drive everything in the Universe, spins the electrons in every atom around its nucleus. The spinning of the electrons creates a pulse, a vibration. That means that at the most fundamental level all matter is pure pulsation. There is no solidity as such, and sound is vibration brought into an audible frequency. Frequency refers to the rate at which the vibrations occur. 

The first hermetic law says: “All is mind.” 

Everything starts with a thought – the beginning of any process of creation. We could also say that thoughts are pure energy which have a certain frequency depending on their content. All thoughts are articulated by an inner voice before our vocal cords give an audible sound to them. Thoughts reflect our beliefs which determine our reality.


Sound shapes 

The majority of our body consists of water and the fact that sound travels four times more efficiently through water than through air makes sound one of the most effective ways to heal and nurture ourselves.

The science of cymatics demonstrates in a very visual way how sound shapes matter. In experiments fine powders were placed on flat metal sheets and exposed to music. According to the frequency of the sound the formation of very intricate patterns was observed. This knowledge about sound shaping matter was already used in ancient times in Nepal, where mandalas were the only way to record the wisdom of healing frequencies.