Individual sessions

procedure and Prices

  The first hypnosis session in our practice includes a preliminary talk of approximately one to one and a half hours. This helps us to get a comprehensive picture of what the focus of the treatment might be. Therefore, we always estimate 2-2,5 hours for the first session. A specific questionnaire enables us to understand the full spectrum of the situation. Though often, in the state of trance the subconscious shows other facets as well as the root cause of the physical, emotional, or mental imbalances.

Irving initiates his massage and sound healing sessions with a preliminary talk of 10-15min, where he tunes in with you to detect blockages. Both techniques focus on bringing the body back to a healthy energy flow – in the physical as well as the subtle body.   

Intuitive creation one on one sessions can be, but do not have to be, follow-up sessions of a hypnosis treatment. What was seen or felt in trance can be expressed here using sound or color. It´s a powerful method of integration and at the same time can also be used to anchor things – to make them tangible/audible (painted visions/healing chants – If you wish to take your chant home with you, Irving will record it together with you). For intuitive painting sessions we estimate 120 minutes. This includes a short preliminary talk and a little reflection after the session as well as some preparation time for the paper/canvas.

Subsequent to any treatment session we recommend a moment of contemplation, a quiet walk in nature, journaling and drinking plenty of water.

Practice Germany

Friedrich-Engels-Str. 13a
16827 Alt Ruppin 

Only Mondays and Fridays

Practice Mallorca

Joint practice at Miku Mallorca
Carrer dels Angels 9
07003 Palma, Mallorca


Group sessions

vibe in the same frequency

Maybe you feel called to come to one of our powerful group sessions of guided meditation with sound baths and breathwork, or intuitive creating workshops. Group work can provide a safe container as well as a healing environment when participants open up to share their transitions and/or create a contagious strong progressing energy together. 

Guided meditation and sound Bath

The changing themes of our guided meditations take you on journeys to different places and realms. The music will embrace you and create a safe passage for you to travel – no matter if it’s to the Mayan pyramids in the jungle, the Sahara Desert, the Himalayan mountains, to some other galaxy or simply an expedition within. The sound will balance and harmonize your energy and the mediation might convey powerful words or pictures from your subconsciousness or higher self.  


Intuitive creating Workshops

An intuitive creative workshop provides a protected environment where our emotions can find their own language with colors, shapes, and forms. Something unspeakable can surface and find a way to express itself. It becomes visible matter, something that can be looked at, that can be integrated or let go of. But it can also bring forth a powerful message from higher realms, it can depict our spirit animals and remind us of our inner strength. Creating together in a group where nothing is assessed or commented on generates a powerful energy and helps the personal expressive flow.