Insphira Erandi

Therapy with children and teenagers

The therapeutic work with children and teenagers is particularly important to us.

In contact with the children in our practice, but also from our environment, we have noticed how awake the kids are who were born in the recent years. In some cases, however, they have a difficult start. Sometimes it is helpful for the parents to develop a new awareness. Also, most conventional school systems leave little room for individual development. Many children lose their imagination and playful creativity that go so healingly hand in hand with our intuition. Insphira Erandi would like to support to keep this access open or reopen it. Stress in any form can be a factor why children and teenagers lose this connection – the contact to their essence.

Even at a young age children and teenagers can face a lot of stress caused by bullying at school, making new friends, high expectations, unfamiliar homework, difficult family situations, loss, criticism, rapid growth periods, hormonal changes, trying to fit in and many more things.

Social media, and comparing themselves to others can cause low self-esteem, a feeling of inadequacy, or even depressions.

Every child/teenager has a different reaction to stress. Some start to have difficulties at school, some seem distracted or even forgetful, others get angry or might show violent behaviour. Also, digestive problems, headaches, allergies, phobias, anxiety, bed-wetting, stammering, nightmares or even fear of the darkness can be stress related.

suggestibility and Imagination

Hypnotherapy works with the use of suggestibility and imagination to which children and teenagers still have a strong connection. Through the state of trance hypnosis opens a gateway to our subconsciousness, where we can reprogram fears and negative belief systems but also find tranquillity and balance.

Playful and mindful

In a creative playful approach – according to the individual personality of your child (some have a strong connection to music, where others love to paint or play) we provide tools to diminish the stress they are facing and help them to reconnect to their inner strength.

From our four main pillars our therapy with children and teenagers is based on: hypnosis and sound, sound healing and intuitive creating. When working with children till the age of 12, we often intertwine the individual treatment methods, as their imagination and creativity in this age still is limitless. 

Preliminary talk and preparation 

Each session includes a preliminary talk/phone call with the parents of approximately 20-30 minutes. Here Anna asks questions about the children´s disbalance but also about important events/circumstances in their lives. It helps her to prepare the session and it gives her the opportunity to advice the parents on how to prepare their children for the therapy.

During the hypnotherapy sessions a parent (or guardian) must be present at all times. The child/teenager can choose if the parent shall stay in the therapy room or may wait in the waiting area outside of the therapy room.

Please note:

It is important for the success of the session that the child/teenager wants to make the change themselves too. The participation of the parents in the therapeutic process is very important as well. Therefore, after each session the parents are counselled on how to support their children with the tools they have received in the session.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.