Massage and healing Frequencies

7 Keys Massage

7 Keys Massage is a technique that unfolded naturally in Irving´s work when he stared to implement elements of sound healing into his massage practice. Nowadays the 7 Keys are carefully selected frequencies and techniques that Irving uses to remove blockages and to gently open energy portals in the body. 7 as magical number refers to the 7 chakras but also to the 7 natural musical notes of the chromatic scale and the 7 main elements of bodywork.

7 Keys & the element Earth

The powerful fusion of certain sound healing elements in combination with the ancient practice of Ayurvedic Yoga Massage has a deeply grounding and centering effect on the physical body – therefore the 7 Keys resonate mostly with the element earth.

Because of his innate ability to sense trauma in the subtle body, Irving knows which key he has to activate and apply to help life force circulate freely again. Each key works with a certain frequency as wells as specific massage strokes or stretches. According to the key he uses song pods, chimes, tuning forks, Tibetan singing bowls and a massage polychord, which are rich in audible overtones. Sometimes he also plays the drum for grounding and to create a powerful state of deep awareness.

7 Keys and AYM

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage was developed in India by Master Kusum Modak who fused the ancient traditions of Yoga and Ayurveda into a comprehensive dynamic body work that combines deep tissue oil massage, breathwork and yoga-based assisted stretches.

Restoring the body   

This powerful massage technique stimulates the fascia – a thin layer of connective tissue that lies beneath the skin and encases the muscles, organs, bones, nerve fibres, and blood vessels.  Each session can provide deep relief and healing – not only at a physical but also at a mental and emotional level. Through the 7 Keys your energy fields can be restored which naturally reduces stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

According to the individual needs of your body Irving selects keys, mobilizations and stretches that reduce muscle tension, improve flexibility as well as breathing capacity, ease joint pain, and realign the body structure.

Sesame oil and calamus root powder

The massage strokes are performed on a mattress on the floor with both, hands and feet. Irving offers sessions of 75 to 105 minutes. A full 7Keys massage treats the whole body (back, arms, hands, legs, feet) and includes an abdominal as well as a facial massage.

Unlike the Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage, in this technique only a little bit of oil is applied. Though something very special is combined with the oil – calamus root powder. Calamus is an old healing plant that is traditionally used to treat rheumatoid arthritis as wells as digestive and skin diseases. A massage with small amounts of calamus powder and oil creates friction and warmth which reestablishes the proper function of the lymphatic system and increases blood circulation. Therefore calamus powder has a detoxifying effect and additionally gently exfoliates the skin and supports skin cell regeneration. It gently opens the pores so that the oil can be better absorbed by the skin.

Irving uses sesame seed oil. It is rich in nutrients such as magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium, and manganese which improve the health and density of our bones, reduce swelling and inflammation as well as help fighting pain.

Studies have shown that sesame seed oil lessens anxiety. Tyrosine, a component of the oil, is directly connected to the serotonin activity in the brain. By stimulating the release of enzymes and hormones sesame seed oil therefore helps to relax.

Trauma mobilization

The 7 Keys work at the physical as well as at the energetic level to mobilize unprocessed memories frozen in the fascia that can cause painful blockages. The interaction of specially selected frequencies and fine-tuned massage techniques creates a complete and very effective therapy concept that harmonizes the meridians and chakras.

Photos by Laura Burbaite