healing creativity

Intuitive Creation

Singing, painting, or movement help us convey what we feel inside in such a deep and complex way that can be hardly reached with words. Canvas and paint for example work as a bridge connecting the sometimes chaotic, irrational, and unstructured inner world of feelings and images with the outside world and make it comprehensible

It is like translating from one language to another which is easier to understand for ourselves and others. People from all over the world seem to know the international idiom of colors, shapes, dance and music – because we feel its resonance. 

Intuitive creation facilitates self- exploration and helps us to confront ourselves with borders, blockages, and difficulties. It enables us to experience in a tangible way that which needs to surface and be transformed. It strengthens our perseverance and our willingness to face things that we usually would like to ignore.

When we connect in a creative process to subconscious realms we may release fears, reduce stress and regain playfulness. Often, we also receive messages from our higher consciousness that help to adjust or trust our current path and see clearly. 

We facilitate intuitive creation in one-on-one or group sessions. If you are interested in diving into visual arts such as painting, drawing, and collage, Anna will provide a loving and safe atmosphere for you to let go of rational thoughts and connect inwardly. Irving will be by your side when you feel that sound is your medium. He assists you in finding your own voice, your own rhythm, and your own tune.


Sometimes a strong process can unfold if both – sound and visual arts are combined. Some people naturally combine for example sounds, letters or days of the week with colors. This is called synesthesia. Understanding and making use of this phenomenon can support the creative process immensely.

Especially for the synesthetes we plan to facilitate on a regular basis intuitive painting workshops with live music.