Insphira Erandi

A name and its meaning

When inspiration and Phi noticed their mysterious connection, they gave birth to the name Insphira. Inspiration as an inside, a revelation, has its origins in the Latin word inspiratus which means “to inhale”. Phi is the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet and is also used to describe the golden ratio, the divine proportion. Phi as a mathematical constant appears in the proportions of the human body, in plants, our DNA, architecture, music and art. It is closely associated with the Fibonacci sequence and describes in theory that there is always everything, something, and nothing at the same time. 0, infinity/nothingness is split by I, somethingness, unity. The result is the symbol Φ. It is that moment of total stillness in a higher sphere of consciousness, the moment that comes before an inside, an inspiration, spirit that strikes the void.

Erandi contains the word era – a division of time and is a Purepecha word that means sunrise. The Purepecha are a group of indigenous people centered mainly in the northwest region of Michoacán, Mexico. Their culture is closely connected to fishing and agriculture and is also known for their skillful weaving and pottery. In pre-Columbian times their capital was called the place of hummingbirds – Tzintzuntzan. Having this close connection to the hummingbird which stands for inspiration, hope, joy and playfulness underlines their peaceful and sensitive nature and their affinity for the element water.

The Myth

Inspira first noticed the true beauty and clarity of Erandi by shores of the blue lake. Every morning she came to the water waiting for the first golden rays of his shining presence to appear behind the wise mountains.

Some mornings she felt how his energy would lift her up so she could meet his healing and clear bright light while hovering over the center of the mysterious lake.

When that happened, fresh air filled her lungs and she felt how she entered a higher sphere – an infinite moment where nothing and everything existed at the same time – Φ.

Seeing Insphira enjoying his presence so much gave Erandi a strong feeling of joy and purpose. 

A song with a message

Their love and union created a wonderful melody, which the wind decided to carry with him. Over time the elders used this melody to create an unforgotten song with an important message for our generation and all to come:

Build a bridge; you have reached the time you have been waiting for so long. The mist has started to fade away and slowly the first rays of sun-light strike your eyes. With the dawn, the formation of a new day is in its process and all of you are invited to bring and share your uniqueness.

During your awakening you will remember that you are the sons and daughters of the light and that it is your right but also your responsibility to spread this light as well as to bring the warmth from higher spheres to your hearts and the hearts of your brothers and sisters. Become more sensitive and aware of the meaning of being here in this brief and eternal moment. Become aware of the power of your voice and all its qualities, of your actions and their impact.

The fire of your ancestors is still alive and so are their teachings – the firewood that has kept the flame burning. Their fire radiates now with more presence than ever before. The spirits always speak with words that are simple to understand yet profound and when listened to with attention provide the starting point of a journey that you can travel at your own pace.

`Trust Yourself`! You often forget that within you rests an immense strength capable of changing your reality and that moves you forward into the next chapter of your lives. Inspire your surroundings, for anyone to be their natural being, knowing that you are not the only ones who have had a difficult time finding the place where you belong.

Our mother is aware of all of that and that’s why she is calling you to come inside, to come back home to nurture and cleanse yourself. She knows you need first a quiet place where you can reconnect with your essence. Then she encourages you to not be afraid of your own strength, of your light nor to recognize your creator aspect and use it.

Gathering all together and connecting with diverse communities in one sole communion will let you realize that we are one tribe with the same desire of love and being loved, of fulfillment, of listening and being listened to.