Technique and capacity

Sound Healing

Many ancient cultures believed that our unique role was to find and play our particular note as perfectly as possible to make creation complete and resonate in our own frequency – in harmony and balance.

To understand how sound healing works we must understand that we are resonant beings constantly reacting to the vibrations we feel inside and outside of us.


The oldest sound healers were shamans who used their own powerful healing voice as well as their drums to realign the energies. The monotonous rhythmic sounds of a drum or a rattle generate a state of trance in both shaman and person who seeks healing. In that dreamlike state the strong frequencies of the shaman’s voice were able to reach the soul of the other person and bring it back to inner peace.  

Learn more about Trance

How does sound heal?

If everything in our energetic and physical bodies seems to correlate as a symphony sometimes it is helpful to bring all aspects back to coherence and synchronicity. Here lies the power of sound healing

Certain instruments are played directly on the body which transmits the healing frequencies immediately. 

Others, however, can develop their effect better if they are played at a distance.


Range of application

Harmony on physical, emotional and mental level resolves blockages high blood pressure inner Balance Burnout Depression Fibromyalgia tense muscles strengthening of the immune system Panic attacks Sleeping problems pain relaxation  stress tinnitus fears

Healing voice

Irving uses a technique which is known as “deep voice” chanting or throat singing. This very special style of singing can be found with the indigenous cultures in southern Siberia, in the Mongolian grassland steppe as well as with the lamas in Tibet. Throat singing is produced by altering and sharpening the resonance of the vocal tract and was used as a spiritual element to communicate with the trees, springs, mountains and animals but also with the different worlds and levels of the Universe. Throat singing activates the internal energy to open the heart and therefore leads to positive changes in self-perception as well as a feeling of expansion beyond bodily limits and visions of light.  


Besides his voice as a healing instrument Irving also uses tuning forks, Tibetan singing bowls, chimes, songpods, flutes, a didgeridoo, the hand pan, rattles, drums, a polychord as well as his guitar. The polychord has 21 strings that are attached to a wooden panel that can be placed directly on the body. Then the body works as a resonance body for the vibration of the stings, which induces a light trance. Both guitar and polychord are tuned in 432Hz, 528Hz or your individual tune. The frequencies of 432Hz and 528Hz are known as the most powerful healing frequencies.

Sound and our Chakras 

Sound does not only affect our subtle body which can also be referred to as aura, it also impacts our chakras. The word chakra comes from Sanskrit and means wheel. Most traditions agree that there are seven main chakras which are located along the spinal cord from the top of our head to the base of our tailbone. Each of these energy centers corresponds to an endocrine gland or the organs located nearby. 

Chakras generate and store information as well as transport energy throughout our physical body and the subtle layers around it. They resonate in different frequencies, and each has an associated color. Our Chakras are vital to our health – When chakra frequency is disrupted, we are out of tune, and often spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically out of balance. The didgeridoo, the Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks and the polychord are rich in audible overtones which have a very strong ability to clean our subtle energy bodies as well as our chakras.

The voice however is still most potent since it transmits intention more directly than any instrument. Toning – a long drawn-out sound on one single tone that has no melody or rhythm is the best way to realign the chakras. Each chakra has its own syllable – a seed mantra. The most famous one that majority of the people knows is the syllable OM of the third eye chakra. Toning the seed mantas of the chakras helps to cleanse and harmonize them.  

Singing a vocal, syllable, word, prayer, or mantra in rhythmical repetition is called chanting. The Sanskrit word mantra can be translated as “man” meaning mind and “tra” to transfer or transport. Mantras work as portals connecting us to a realm of higher wisdom and deep healing. To fully absorb the teaching of a mantra it should be chanted many times. Repeating the mantra makes you enter a light state of trance as well as aligns your energy with the vibration of the mantra.

Research shows that chanting mantras has a soothing and life prolonging effect on the body. Healing chemicals are released in the brain and cognitive abilities were found to be increased.  

For his sound healing one-on-one sessions Irving uses chants from different cultures as well as a little variety of breathing and toning techniques to connect you to your own voice and your energy field.

Crown Chakra, Seed Mantra: AUM “I understand“, deals with: cosmic energy, is blocked by ego attachment  

Third Eye Chakra, Seed Mantra: OM “I see“, deals with: insights, is blocked my illusions

Throat Chakra, Seed Mantra: HAM “I speak“, Self-expression, is blocked by lies

Heart Chakra, Seed Mantra: YAM “I love“, deals with love, is blocked by grief

Solarplexus Chakra, Seed Mantra: RAM “I do“, deals with willpower, is blocked by shame

Sacral Chakra, Seed Mantra: VAM “I feel“, deals with: creativity, is blocked by guilt

Root Chakra, Seed Mantra: LAM “I am“, deals with: survival, is blocked by fear